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Created 22-Dec-11
Modified 21-Mar-16
Visitors 196
204 photos
My home is located amidst the peaceful, rolling hills of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I respect this hallowed ground and all that sacrificed so much on this land in 1863.
For some paranormal photos from Gettysburg, please visit my Paranormal and Light Anomalies Gallery.

"To honor the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, I will donate $1.50 of the profit from each of my Gettysburg print sales for the entire year of 2013 to Civil War land preservation sites......we must save these Hallowed Grounds from development......" ~~ Shirl

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:Civil War, Civil War Battlefield, Confederate Soldiers, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Lincoln, The War Between the States, Union Soldiers

"Battlefield Snow"

"Battlefield Snow"

"Haunted Boulders"

"Haunted Boulders"

"The Blue and the Grey"

"The Blue and the Grey"

"Night of Orbs"

"Night of Orbs"

"Lavender Fields"

"Lavender Fields"

"Shadows Blue"

"Shadows Blue"

"Talking with God"

"Talking with God"

"Ghost Rider"

"Ghost Rider"

"Night Rider"

"Night Rider"

"Two Angels"

"Two Angels"

"Ghostly Sach's Bridge"

"Ghostly Sach's Bridge"

"Remembrance Night"

"Remembrance Night"

"The Peace of Quiet Guns"

"The Peace of Quiet Guns"

"Overlooking Evergreen"

"Overlooking Evergreen"

"Eternal Rest"

"Eternal Rest"

"Blue Dusk"

"Blue Dusk"

"A Place of Rest along the Path"...

"A Place of Rest along the Path"...

"Gettysburg Angel"

"Gettysburg Angel"

"In the Still of the Night"

"In the Still of the Night"

"In Position"

"In Position"